
It is now possible to both automatically and manually provision the cluster’s instances via the master node. This is done by simply adding a provision block in your config.tfvars (which by now you should be familiar with). If available, such block will be automatically executed when the command kn apply is run. Otherwise we can also manually execute it with the new command kn provision.

A provision block can have one or several action{ } sub-block/s. The latter will always have at least a type field, which can either be ansible-playbook or local-exec. Based on these two scenarios, it is then necessary to introduce a couple of specific variables as shown in the examples here below.

Note: The Ansible version being used is the one installed in the KubeNow Docker image.

Action type = “ansible-playbook”

In this scenario, the following ansible-playbook specific variables will be used, with the exception of extra_vars which is optional:

playbook    = "path-to-playbook (relative config-directory)"
extra_vars  = "json-obj of extra variables (complying to hcl-json-syntax, see"

Example without extra_vars:

# This block is equivalent to the command:
# ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_OPT playbooks/install-core.yml
provision = {
  "action" = {
    "type"       = "ansible-playbook"
    "playbook"   = "playbooks/install-core.yml"

Example with extra_vars:

# This block is equivalent to the command:
# ansible-playbook $ANSIBLE_OPT -e "$extra_vars" playbooks/create-pvc.yml
provision = {
  "action" = {
    "type"      = "ansible-playbook"
    "playbook"  = "playbooks/create-pvc.yml"
    "extra_vars" = {
      "claim_name"  = "galaxy-pvc"
      "storage"     = "95G"

Action type = “local-exec”

In this other case, we only have one local-exec specific variable that must be present in order to work:

command  = "command to execute - can be path to a script (relative config-directory)"


# This block is equivalent to the command:
# plugins/phnmnl/KubeNow-plugin/bin/
provision = {
  "action" = {
    "type"       = "local-exec"
    "command"    = "plugins/phnmnl/KubeNow-plugin/bin/"